Keep Calm and Stay Well

With flu season hanging on and now Coronavirus in the United States, trying our best to stay well is more important than ever before. By now we all understand the importance of regular hand washing, not touching your face, and sneezing or coughing into your elbow. At Pryority, we've been working tirelessly to naturally sanitize and keep our space as healthy as possible.

In addition, here are some natural health remedies to help prevent or treat these nasty bugs:

For prevention:

  • Stay away from sugar! Sugar only suppresses your immune system.

  • Stay hydrated! Water is the best.

  • Maintain your regular exercise program. Go outside, take a walk and enjoy nature. The negative ions (feel good ions) will do wonders for your soul!

  • Eat WHOLE foods and maintain a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.

  • Sleep! There is nothing more restorative and immune boosting than a good night sleep. Plus, stress and fatigue can only make you more susceptible to illness.

  • Use echinacea to support the immune system!

If you feel unwell:

  • Drink plenty of hot herbal teas, vegetable broths and clear soups. Hot liquids are excellent decongestants as they heat the throat and slow the reproduction cycle of the virus.

  • Chase chills away with ginger. Ginger tea loosens nasal congestion and eases a sore throat. Combine 3 teaspoons of freshly grated ginger root with 2 cups of water, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey. Simmer the ginger and water in a covered pot for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, strain, add lemon juice and honey. Drink as desired. 

  • Get relief from muscle aches and chills: take a hot bath with epsom salts and eucalyptus essential oil. (2 cups of epsom salts and 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil). Epsom salts are rich in magnesium, a natural muscle relaxant. Eucalyptus oil eases muscle aches and its steam will temporarily relieve sinus congestion.

  • For cough relief, take a thyme syrup. Use 1 cup boiling water, 2 tablespoons of dried thyme and 1/2 cup of honey. Pour the boiling water over the thyme. Cover and steep for about 20 minutes. Strain and add honey. Store in a dark glass bottle. Take one teaspoon as often as you need.

  • Lavender has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties. Add 3 drops of lavender oil to a basin of tepid water. Soak a sponge in the water basin and wipe the forehead, back of neck, inside of elbows, back of knees and soles of feet. 


We love seeing you at Pryority! However, if you or someone in your household is experiencing symptoms of illness, please stay home and rest up!

The keep calm part of staying well

It's important to remember that peace and calm can actually help boost your immune system! Breathing exercises, like this one, are just the thing to balance mind, body and spirit during this difficult time.

Find a comfortable seat and become aware of your breath. 

Notice how it comes in and out of your body. After a few breath cycles become aware of your hands. Do the actions described below with both hands simultaneously. Keep the connection between the thumb and the fingers for at least 30 seconds.

  •  Touching your thumbs to your index fingers, travel back to a time when you felt a healthy exhaustion after exerting yourself physically, such as running or fast walking, biking or hiking. 

  •  Touching your thumb to your middle finger, travel back in time to a loving exchange with someone special, such as a devoted love letter, a tantalizing sexual experience, or a heart-expansive conversation. 

  •  Touching your thumb to your ring finger, try to recollect the most caring gesture you have ever received. Take this opportunity to truly accept this gift. 

  •  Touching your thumb to your pinky finger, travel back to the most magnificent place that you've seen or dreamed about. Take this moment to absorb all the beauty that surrounds you. 

(excerpt from Five Good Minutes by Jeffrey Brantley and Wendy Millstine)

Pryority Wellness